Setting a customised Dashboard view
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Profile Dropdown → Dashboard Views |
Create a personalized dashboard on the homepage for any user by adding ready-set filters and a customized PDF report. So every time the user logs in, they see exactly what they need for reporting.
Create a
Our customers see much greater value by having a specific PDF report attached to a dashboard view.
Set up a PDF report with the only the charts you want a user to see and save it
Link the PDF report to a view
When creating a view, select the Report that will be active on the homepage by default from the dropdown.
You can choose to lock a dashboard view. By doing this, the filter and report will always be active and can’t be removed by the user.
Add a custom filter that appears for users by default
When creating a view, select the filter(s) that will be active by default
Remember to validate each filter before hitting save
A common filter is time period = Last 30 days or between x and y date.
Attach a dashboard view to a user
Info |
Profile Dropdown → Users and Teams teams → User Pencil Iconicon → View dropdown |
Once you have the view created, you know need to attach it to the user(s) of choiceviews setup, you’ll need to connect these to users by going to the Users and Teams page and editing the user you’d like to update.
You can assign a dashboard view to yourself
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Profile Dropdown → My Profile |
If you would like to see a particular view, you can add an existing dashboard view in the profile page.
Customize the Activity Chart
Info |
Insights page |
Save any changes made to the activity chart by clicking the Save button, the current state of the chart is stored, preserving the chosen measurement, time period, or breakdown.
Any activity charts added to a PDF report from a dashboard view, will also appear , by selecting the view under the Your Profile page.
Once you save, they will by default now have this new view whenever they login to the platform.
If you add KPI charts to your report, then use this report as a dashboard view, the chosen KPIs in the report will override any original KPI charts that were created on the homepage.