Version 1.2.14 - July 23rd, 2019

Getting back on our release cycle on Tuesday. Yay! Here is Feedier version 1.2.14 with 13 tasks included. A bit smaller than usual to catch up with the last weeks. But, our main focus remains:

  • Providing a better experience on the Feedier Dashboard. From signing up to creating your form and analyzing the results over time.

We’ll get there.

Let’s go through the main changes:

  • We renamed Dynamic Filters to… Segments! Why? It makes more sense as it’s exactly what they’re doing → Segmenting Feedback. And as far as we heard from you, it was confusing and a dark notion, so let’s segment

  • We re-designed the Settings → Custom fields screen and added a “Visible“ option. First, we added a new layout that is easier to edit and supports more fields. We changed the description and added help boxes everywhere so you’re no longer diving in a dark ocean at night. We hope so.
    Then, we added a new “Visible“ option. So all fields having the Visible attribute enabled will be displayed unless they’re provided in the URL. Otherwise, they will never ever be asked to the customer.
    Example → name is a field you want to be visible, if you don’t know it already. store_id is not a field that should be visible.
    All existing fields have been switched to “Not Visible“ by default, as it’s the major use. You can make them visible from the Settings → Custom field screen:



  • Push requests (email/sms) are now being processed within a 4 hour “throttle“. Which means Feedier will block any request to send the same email / sms to the same user within a 4 hours span. No one likes to be spammed.

  • The Question type now supports Multiple dates selection. So you can let your users select as many dates as they want. It’ll be available on your Feedier Dashboard.
    Example: you have a first question → “Do you want to be re-contacted?“ → then a condition, if answer = “YES“ → show a date question with the multiple dates option enabled: “What are 3 free spots on your schedule available?“ → Easy

  • We fixed an issue where some missing automatic tags were not attached.

What’s on the menu for next week?

  • Ability to change the cover image position.

  • Better Affiliate page

  • Better loading experience

  • New Ratings map filters

  • Offline mode

  • New preview link in the form Settings

  • Better customer emails (new content and better unsubscribe link)

& more!

– The Feedier team

Made with love by the team