Version 2.0.6 - 9th November 2023

We are excited to introduce the new Feedier 2.0.6 !

New Dashboard View Assignment

Our primary goal is to improve the usability and scalability of the Dashboard Views assignment feature. These improvements aim to provide a more intuitive and efficient workflow for assigning views to users, ensuring that everyone has access to the most relevant dashboard information.


  1. Label for Dashboard Views in User Teams: In user teams, you will now see a label, similar to the one for roles, indicating the dashboard view assigned to each user. This makes it easy to identify which view each user has access to. Users who do not have a view assigned will now see an "Add View" button. Clicking this button will open the edit user modal, allowing for quick and seamless view assignment.


  1. Page Renaming to "Dashboard View": To better reflect the purpose of this section, we have renamed the "Views" page to "Dashboard View".


  1. New Table for Dashboard View: A new table format has been introduced for the Dashboard View section: the "Create New View" button has been relocated to the top of the Dashboard View section, ensuring easy access to the view creation process and the new table includes a column displaying the number of users assigned to each dashboard view, along with an eye icon for quick access to view the assigned users.


  1. Dropdown for User Assignment: The dashboard view creation modal now features a drop down menu for assigning users to the view. This dropdown includes all users within the customer account, regardless of their team.

Report Management

The objective is to enhance you by enabling you to seamlessly assign a report to a specific folder during the saving process. This feature eliminates the need for manual movement of reports, allowing you to organize your reports with ease. We have introduced an "Assign to folder" dropdown, this dropdown displays a list of folders created in your reports section, allowing you to select the destination folder for your report.

How does it work:

  1. Make sure you have a folder created in Report Page

  2. Create a Report and click to save it, you will see the new modal:

CSV Example File for Imports


Our goal is to provide you a visual guide to the data structure needed for successful feedback imports. With the addition of a downloadable CSV example sheet, you can now easily understand and format your data according to the requirements for the CSV import.

How it works:

  1. Navigate to Internal Documents in Sources tab.

  2. Select the import with CSV


-Team Feedier


Made with love by the team