Insights Page
KPIs saved on the homepage are updated in real-time. The search function also updates the KPIs boxes so you can see what your values are in relation to certain filters you set.
KPIs are shown per team, so if you have someone in the HQ team, they'll see different KPIs compared to someone in a sub-tea
Manually add a KPI
The benefit of adding a manual KPI is you have further flexibility of what type of metric you’d like to track. You can use percentages, decimal places, and other words like minutes or seconds.
Here are some common KPI measurements our customers use:
Goal | Variable or Formula |
Average global Satisfaction Ratio | {satisfaction_ratio} |
Average NPS | {nps} |
Average time taken to complete the survey (in seconds) | ({time}/1000).toFixed(1)+'sec' |
Total number of feedback | {feedback_count} |
Total pushes sent | {pushes_count} |
Response rate | (({feedback_count}*100)/{pushes_count}).toFixed(2)+'%' |
Answered questions rate | ({total_answered_questions}/({total_skipped_questions}+{total_answered_questions}))*100 |
Attribute Quantity | {attribute_name} |
Total feedback of an attribute value | {feedback_count(attribute_name=value)} |
Find data for a specific question | {question_id:123} |
Find data for multiple questions | {question_ids:xxx,xx} |
Find data for a specific question option | {question_option_id:123} |
Find data for a specific segment | {segment_id:123} |
Total feedback of a segment | {feedback_count(segment_id=xxx)} |
NPS per team | {nps(team_id:123)} |
NPS per attribute | {nps(attribute_name=attribute_value)} |
Satisfaction Ratio of a segment | {satisfaction_ratio(segment_id=123)} |
Satisfaction Ratio of a team | {satisfaction_ratio(team_id=123)} |
Satisfaction Ratio of a survey | {satisfaction_ratio(carrier_id=123)} |
Satisfaction Ratio per attribute | {satisfaction_ratio(attribute_name=attribute_value)} |
Satisfaction Ratio for segments | {satisfaction_ratio(segment_ids=xxx,xxx,)} |
Question ID location: Sources → Survey → Question Cog → Info
Segment ID location: Actions → Segments → Segment Cog → Info
Team ID location: Profile → Users and teams → Team Cog → Info
Our Support team can help build these in for you and your organization. Once they’re set, you don’t need to make any further adjustments.
Compare KPIs
compare KPIs within any filter you wish
View your KPI in the activity chart
Adding KPIs as per a dashboard view
If you’re looking to setup a dashboard view to see key graphs, any KPIs that you also have included inside the PDF report will be the only KPIs shown on the dashboard.
Customize the Activity Chart
Insights page
Save any changes made to the activity chart by clicking the Save button, the current state of the chart is stored, preserving the chosen measurement, time period, or breakdown.
Any activity charts added to a PDF report from a dashboard view, will also appear on the homepage.