Choose from a template or create a survey from scratch
Sources → Surveys → New Survey
Select By myself if you want to start from scratch (empty with no questions), or Using a template if you want to use a commonly used template.
If you’ve created a survey in the past and want to re-use it as a template, you can set it as a Master Survey in the Advanced Settings of the survey.
Branding your survey
Sources → Surveys → Sidebar→ Branding
Here you can change the name of the survey, default language, brand logo, background, button and text colour, opacity of background, and even add custom CSS to add further customisations.
Try to pick a dark colour for the button and text colour in order for it to be strongly visible in the form. Check the survey preview to judge the contrast.
Add Questions and sections
Sources → Surveys → Questions
Within the survey, click the New Question button. You can choose between 15+ question types, but we always recommend that you include a rating or NPS, choice, and text box questions. You can learn more in our best practices article.
You can also immediately view a question through Question cog → Preview
Edit a question
Cog Icon → Click Edit
Change the order of the question in the survey by clicking on the left side of the question and dragging it up or down
You can also delete questions from the cog dropdown but remember, deleting questions will delete any answers already collected. If you have already collected feedback, you can ‘deactivate’ the question so it no longer shows on the live survey.
Create a section
Sources → Surveys → Questions
Move the order of sections by clicking the cog
Edit a section name by clicking on the text
Sections are a useful way to group questions in topics together.
You can click and drag questions into a section
Adding a condition
Sources → Surveys → Questions → Funnel icon
Conditioning by question
Question → Operator → Value
Select a question from a list of questions before the one you are conditioning.
Then select the operator (if applicable) and value, and hit save.
Conditioning by attribute
Attribute → Operator → Value
If you have already selected attributes, Feedier will pick these up, and allow you to choose these in the conditioning process.
Example: You have already collected Region=EU inside your survey.
If you wanted those from the EU to see one particular question and you stored Region=EU in the past, you can do the below.
Conditions allow for both the AND or OR functions so you can stack multiple questions and context attributes together to make your flows even more customised.
You can also condition an entire section
Changing survey text content and adding multiple languages to a survey
Changing Content
Survey→ Options→ Content Editor
The majority of the text found within a survey will be found under the General tab, click on the name to expand the section. Use CTRL + F (CMD + F on mac) to find the string you’d like to replace.
The content editor has 3 purposes and can be edited to make real-time changes:
Add new languages
Edit the content of default strings
Edit the default strings of added languages
Adding Multiple languages
Survey→ Options→ Content Editor
As above, you can add multiple languages within the content editor. These will appear as columns for each new language selected.
To make changes to the text of a question with multiple languages, click under the question tab within the content editor page.
Languages can be automatically added to your form by adding ?locale=[languagecode] to the of the form url. eg. ?locale=fr will turn your form into French.
You can find a list of what is known of the two letter codes we use for languages (Alpha-2) online.
For UK English, please use the code en_gb
Preview your survey
Survey→ Share→ Test link
The Preview link can be used to test the survey. Nothing will be saved or recorded. Do not share the preview link externally.