Blog from March, 2018

New Feedier release in our beta process, almost there! Again, that means more stability and ready to get started with even more companies to test Feedier out.

14 issues were resolved in this update 🧐A quick sum up:

  • New Feedier dashboard design 💎

  • Insight report improvements in the visibility of your insights

  • Registration process is simpler than ever before, 1 step and you’re ready to go. No more plan on signup. You can always upgrade from your Plans page.

  • We removed the useless avatar feature to replace with with a new shiny “New feedback carrier button“

  • Better carriers filtering options

From now on there will be a blog entry for every major release x.x and not for the minor ones, so we can release some fixes faster and have more stability in our deployment process 🚄.

As always, any issue / bug / idea, contact us 👋

New Feedier release in our beta process. That means more stability and ready to get started with more companies to test Feedier and get into the feedback loop.

16 issues were resolved in this update 🙈Here is the highlight:

  • We know support yearly plans, you can save up to one month

  • We improved the Slack webhooks

  • We are getting ready to make the whole Feedier app localizable

  • We added a new rewards page, where you can see all distributed rewards

As always, any issue / bug / idea, contact us 👋

New Feedier release in our beta process. That means more stability and ready to get started with more companies to test Feedier and get into the feedback loop.

14 issues were resolved in this update ✌️Here is the highlight:

  • We uploaded our Feedier presentation video:

  • We moved to Amazon S3 to store the customer files, more security and better speed 🚅

  • We improved the Slack notifications formatting

  • We fixed the password reset page

  • We made the registration process faster

As always, any issue / bug / idea, contact us 👋

We are happy to finish our Alpha release today and start the Beta one!

This is the first entry of a very long changelog... 🙈

You can use Feedier for any of your product / service starting right now. Production ready, of course.

This being said, any bug your spot or improvement in mind, please drop us an email at, our team will get it patched up quickly 👍.

Among 40 issues that were addressed in this update:

  • We moved our API doc to a new home here:

  • We fixed the .csv on many reports

  • We fixed the engagements not being saved in some cases

  • Removed our Alpha badge throughout the app

  • Added a new date filter on the Feedback entries listing

  • Improved the report graphics