Blog from January, 2019

Here is Feedier version 1.1.22 (smile) What’s new this week? Quite a lot actually, 17 tasks handled by our team with some cool highlights:

  • We introduced support for Questions and Ratings but also and/or logic in the filters to make them even more powerful!

  • The Feedier Dashboard is will now show your name on the top right side with a better profile link in the sidebar, ‘cause we’re human after all 🤖

  • Reports can now be filtered using custom date ranges. Your choice. The old options are still available.

  • The Rewards page listing has been improved, the reward status has been added.

  • The graphics inside the Reports page has been improved, they’re now filterable to get a cleaner and more understandable output.

  • We improved the overall submit buttons UI throughout the Dashboard.

  • The Question conditions have been moved from the Third Step of every question to the dropdown in the listing screen → easier to use.

  • We fixed some annoying issue on Safari and the sub pages.

We plan to release a new Affiliate program next week as long as a new shiny design update for our Dashboard. 👀

– The Feedier team

We are happy to introduce Feedier version 1.1.21, closing off 11 tasks this week 👋 Small release, but yet always important! We can note the main changes here:

  • We improved the reports screen with an improved UI.

  • We added flags from all the 🌍 into our Country selector so it’s more friendly and you can pick it up faster.

  • We fixed an issue where the engagement data could not be saved.. 🐛

  • We fixed the reset feature so it removes all attached feedback entries and nothing else.

  • We improved the text validation on the client side. You can now re-use URLs in text answers.

  • We fixed some validations issue while editing the Questions (at the third step).

– The Feedier team

Welcome to Feedier version 1.1.20 fixing 25 issues 🌈
With some exciting news! Most important changes are:

  • We changed our pricing plans, Feedier can now be used for Free:

    • Essentials: For any individual or organization who aims to better understand its users/customers/community through complete and unique feedback for a given project or service. Unlimited feedback entries, start FREE.

    • Explorer: For any organization who takes customer Feedback seriously. Designed for any team and used on up to 10 product or service through 10 Feedback Carriers → $59/mo or $649/yr.

    • Prestige: For any medium or large company to collect Feedback on up to 40 different product or services. Custom settings, SMS quota, more filters, bigger team and more! →$199/mo or $2189/yr.
      This does not impact any existing user (smile)

  • The push report has been improved and now contains useful ratios like the sent/clicked ratio for the SMS and email pushes.

  • We fixed the broken custom strings editor.

  • We fixed the Tag creation issue on the single Feedback report.

  • We fixed the broken Active / Inactive toggle on the Carrier pages.

  • All select inputs with long lists are now searchable so you save time when looking for a value.

  • File upload question type is now working on custom domains.

– The Feedier team

Happy new year! 🌟 No time to waste in 2019, here is Feedier version 1.1.19 (thumbs up) The most important changes are:

  • New Order question type available 👋 This new question type let your users re-organize a list of defined items. The order is displayed to the end user and made using a neat design.

  • We added support for Giphy 🌈 So you can add interactive gifs in any of your question/rating/reward descriptions.

  • Question conditions now support custom fields. So you can apply another level of segmentation to your questions and make the experience more unique.

  • We added a new “Reward transaction status“ feature that let you know what is the current delivery status of the reward. Whether they are sent, queued, failed… You can access this from your Feedback single report.

  • If Feedback Carrier authentication is enabled but no token provided, Feedier will no longer redirect to a 404 but rather ask for the token.

  • Start and ending dates now support time. So you can open a Feedback Carrier between certain dates and hours.

– The Feedier team