Blog from July, 2019

Yes, you already know the lyrics, another week and…. another release (smile) That release comes after 5 minor patches from our dev team. Nevertheless, it contains 20 tasks. YAY. Here is what Feedier 1.2.15 will change for you:

  • The Feedback carrier cover image’s position can now be moved from the Branding tab 🖼 . You can choose its final position to get the best design as possible, easily.

  • Custom domains will now be active and enabled much faster (less than 3 minutes).

  • We fixed an issue when the ?email param was not attached to the Feedback. Or, sometimes blocking the “Reward“ button.

  • We removed the “Unsubscribe“ button from our email provider on all Feedier emails, it’s no included in the email body. More subtle, better design (thumbs up)

  • Most emails have been updated with more interesting content so you don’t fill your email inbox with uninterested/relevant emails.

  • The Benchmark tool has been improved, when benchmarking custom fields, Feedier will retrieve the existing values making your job easier. Faster and less human errors 🤖

  • We added a “Test link“ in the “Sharing” Feedback Carrier page so that you can test your form on the go.

  • We changed our Affiliate modal so it makes more sense to you. New design, new content.

  • The ratings map now supports 3 sorting options → ratings low, ratings high, alphabetically, displayed order.

  • We improved the Offline mode, again. It’s now fully operational. Contact us for more details.

– The Feedier team

Getting back on our release cycle on Tuesday. Yay! Here is Feedier version 1.2.14 with 13 tasks included. A bit smaller than usual to catch up with the last weeks. But, our main focus remains:

  • Providing a better experience on the Feedier Dashboard. From signing up to creating your form and analyzing the results over time.

We’ll get there.

Let’s go through the main changes:

  • We renamed Dynamic Filters to… Segments! 👀 Why? It makes more sense as it’s exactly what they’re doing → Segmenting Feedback. And as far as we heard from you, it was confusing and a dark notion, so let’s segment (smile)

  • We re-designed the Settings → Custom fields screen and added a “Visible“ option. First, we added a new layout that is easier to edit and supports more fields. We changed the description and added help boxes everywhere so you’re no longer diving in a dark ocean at night. We hope so.
    Then, we added a new “Visible“ option. So all fields having the Visible attribute enabled will be displayed unless they’re provided in the URL. Otherwise, they will never ever be asked to the customer.
    Examplename is a field you want to be visible, if you don’t know it already. store_id is not a field that should be visible.
    All existing fields have been switched to “Not Visible“ by default, as it’s the major use. You can make them visible from the Settings → Custom field screen:

  • Push requests (email/sms) are now being processed within a 4 hour “throttle“. Which means Feedier will block any request to send the same email / sms to the same user within a 4 hours span. No one likes to be spammed.

  • The Question type now supports Multiple dates selection. So you can let your users select as many dates as they want. It’ll be available on your Feedier Dashboard.
    Example: you have a first question → “Do you want to be re-contacted?“ → then a condition, if answer = “YES“ → show a date question with the multiple dates option enabled: “What are 3 free spots on your schedule available?“ → Easy ☕

  • We fixed an issue where some missing automatic tags were not attached.

What’s on the menu for next week?

  • Ability to change the cover image position.

  • Better Affiliate page

  • Better loading experience

  • New Ratings map filters

  • Offline mode

  • New preview link in the form Settings

  • Better customer emails (new content and better unsubscribe link)

& more! (wink)

– The Feedier team

Here is Feedier version 1.2.13, that release bundles 20 tasks and some pretty good changes we’ll see now:

  • New question live preview when you’re creating/editing it → reactive changes on the right side for any change you make. So you get a direct feeling of the final look 😎

  • We also reorganized the way you edit the questions. Every primary field is now directly available at step 2, after you picked the question type. Then, the secondary optional settings have all been moved to the third step.

  • Large changes on the Engager widget → We added real full screen, better positioning when opened, better mobile/tablet support.

  • The engage page (sent after the Feedback, which is kind of a Feedback receipt) has been improved and will now showcase the distributed reward.

  • We removed low brightness colors from the color pickers to avoid contrast issues. You can still use your own HEX code.

  • We improved the Feedier offline mode 📵 Contact us to enable it.

  • The mobile experience was again improved.

– The Feedier team

Wow! We missed Tuesday, didn’t we? Well, let us explain, we did 5 minor releases last week and this week’s main release: Feedier 1.2.12, is coming with 28 tasks 👀 Let’s go through the main changes:

  • New order option for your reports. Re-order the reports the way you prefer. Easy peasy. There is a new “Edit“ button that let you simply drag & drop any report.

  • New “Logo buffer“ option. So you can have any logo stand out and look good on your forms. This option is available from the Settings > Branding tab.

  • New “Need Help?“ page to replace the old Support page. We added 2 new ways to contact our support team → Phone and Live chat so we can provide a better experience. You will also find a direct link to a Feedier form to give your Feedback on Feedier 💬

  • We improved the Push report on the Reports page to show the click delivery rate in % so it makes more sense.

  • Multiple improvements on the overall Dashboard experience → Forms are easier to create and appear right after signup. Same for the Dynamic Filters.

  • We improved the Testimonials widget on mobile devices.

  • You will now see the Feedback received in real-time in your Feedier Dashboard (from the Tab name) → (1) Reports - Feedier Dashboard

  • NPS questions now start from 0 and not 1.

  • We fixed multiple issues on the PDF exports → Summary and Reports.

– The Feedier team

Here is Feedier version 1.2.11, coming out with 15 tasks closed by our dev team (thumbs up)

As always, let’s go through them and what changes this week for you:

  • New option to choose the Reward distribution method → email or phone. This is available from the Advanced Settings of any Feedback Carrier. Prestige account only, for now.

  • Feedier widgets (testimonials, score, engager) have been translated in French 🇫🇷 🥖

  • We improved the Excel export to better support all available question types.

  • The Feedback carriers listing has been improved to give you easy options to share your form right from the main page 🚴‍♀️

  • You can now duplicate any Reward or Engagement, into the same Feedback Carrier or a different one: your choice.

  • The NPS/Slider/Rating question types are now better supported on mobile devices.

  • We fixed an issue with the on-boarding widget showing up when already completed 🐛

– The Feedier team