Blog from September, 2020

The Satisfaction Ratio is one of the most key features in our dashboard and widely used by our customers as it lets you all get a quick snapshot summary of your feedback. Recently, we received a lot of feedback about making improvements to how this is calculated and giving you all more clarity on this.

The Satisfaction Ration calculation now includes the Satisfaction Ratings, NPS, Smiley, Rating slider only and we have removed the text analysis from this calculation. So calculation takes into account the % of the Satisfaction ratings question type plus the % Other question types added together (NPS + Smileys + Ratings Slider) and calculates the median of these two numbers and gives you an overall percentage.

Satisfaction Ratio = (Satisfaction Ratings % ) + (NPS, Smileys, Ratings, Rating Slider % ) Divided by 2

So you end up with the average % which becomes your Satisfaction Ratio.

Another focus for us recently has been improving our PDF reporting. So now the PDF reports are shown in landscape format. You can add notes and annotations to your reports allowing you to personalise them even further and add context specific information.

For all the Microsoft users we also added the ability to login directly via Microsoft Teams 📑

And as usua,l fixing those gritty little bugs to keep Feedier running smoothly. 🐛 🐛 🐛


Team Feedier


A big week for us here at Feedier as we release our new flagship feature ‘Live Journeys’.

Live journeys is a new and intuitive way for you to visualise your User Stories (previously known as Live Alerts) and group them into a timeline that is updated in real time. Go beyond individual feedback and transform your data into visual and contextual insights.

This is the perfect mix between context attributes( tags you use to segment your data) and live alerts ( notifications that give you instant reporting on your feedback). Since you are using the same selectors that you have already seen in the FQL search button in our dashboard, it makes it really easy to transform your segment groups into Live Journeys. Not only that, you are now able to get notifications in your existing workflows with many third party integrations on the horizon.

Additions to the Feedier Glossary:

  • Live Journey: A collection of segmented User stories group into a Linear timeline.

  • User Stories: A specific sub set of data based on filters such as context, forms, answers, country etc)

  • Add Action: A connector to integrate to third party softwares so you can be notified into you existing workflow.

Existing Customers with Slack Integration: Please note if you had existing integrations with Slack to be notified for Live Alerts (Now called Live Journeys) you integration has been automatically migrated to the Specific User Story and you will continue to get update on new feedbacks. Plus, you will have the ability to add other user stories to specific Slack Channels.


Team Feedier