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The Feedier's Satisfaction Ratio is Feedier’s way of calculating your respondents overall satisfaction based on their feedback resultsa formula crafted to evaluate all satisfaction-related questions within a survey. This encompasses various metrics such as ratings, rating tables, smileys, CES, or NPS scores.
It is imperative that the satisfaction ratio is used in your surveys in order to get the most value out of the platform


We use our own custom formula that takes all answers from the question types Ratings, Ratings table, NPS, the Smiley, and Text. We then turn it to a percentage from a score of 0 to 100 to give an accurate emotional feel to each feedbackCES. Each of these metrics carries equal weight, contributing to a comprehensive satisfaction score for every feedback received. This holistic approach enables you to visualize respondent feedback effectively and prioritize actions based on insights that resonate with your objectives. Additionally, Feedier offers the option, enabled by default, to incorporate text sentiment analysis into the satisfaction ratio, with the goal of viewing satisfaction as accurately as possible.

Create a custom satisfaction ratio


The personalized satisfaction rate will be applied to all your feedbacks, regardless of the survey.

Use a CSAT question


Exclude NPS from satisfaction ratio 


Add weight to certain question types


Select individual questions using question_id, select certain question types only, eg. {NPS}, add questions together, or add more or less weight to some questions using mathematical operators (x; -; +, ÷)
