Name: Validation applied to ensure the field contains only alphabetic characters and spaces.
Required field marked with an asterisk (*).
Error Message: “Name is required” or “Name field may only contain alphabetic characters as well as spaces.”
Email: This field can only be edited by an admin.
Language & Timezone: These are dropdown fields and do not require validation.
Password Management:
Current Password: Ensures the entered password matches the current one.
Required field marked with an asterisk (*).
Error Message: “Current Password is required” or “Password doesn’t match your current password.”
New Password: Must be 12 characters long, including one number and one special character.
Required field marked with an asterisk (*).
Error Message: “New password is required” or “Password field format is invalid. Make sure it has 12 characters with one number and one special character.”
New Password Confirmation: Ensures the new password matches the previous entry.
Required field marked with an asterisk (*).
Error Message: “New password confirmation is required” or “Password doesn’t match your new password.”