Upload feedback that you
First, tidy your old feedback so it’s ready for upload
Order feedback into columns for each attribute you’d like to import (eg. location, name, created_at date).
For any questions, have a survey setup and choose the question types you’d like to answer for each (Text, ratings and NPS are the most common).
Any rating questions can be converted into a number value ie. 4 stars = 4
If you’d like to date feedback to a specific date you can use the YYYY-MM-DD format
Source → Internal Documents → Create a new import → .CSV file
Click and drag your csv file or click the centre box to upload your file.
You can upload 10,000 feedback each time. The file must be .csv and the first line must be the header
Once your file is selected, select the survey you’d like to link it to.
Map the feedback data
Connect your questions and attributes here
Now we need to match the data source with how Feedier will read the information.
Any existing attributes or questions will appear in the right dropdown
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