Example: Conditioning the survey to end early
Sometimes you need your survey to end early based on a particular response that’s given.
Here’s how you would do this:
Add a transitional screen question type.
Add in a title and description you'd like to show to those that you'd like to send an action to.
Toggle on 'End survey at this question'.
Add in a URL for a call to action or simply leave it blank if you wish the survey to end.
Now, depending on the order of where you put this question in your survey, once a respondent is on this question, when they click the call to action, the survey button will end or will now direct people to a URL of your choice. This could be a social media page, market place or your website for example.
If you want to filter so that only those that have rated highly see this, or based on how a particular question was answered you can add in conditions.
In the example below, the transitional question will show if the respondent scores over 7 in the NPS (promoter).
Example: Adding Testimonials
If a customer gives you a positive rating and you want them to leave a positive comment, you can condition a text box question to appear only if a customer gives you 4 or 5 stars in a previous question.
If you want to be informed every time someone answers the testimonial question in the survey, you can later create an alert to get a notification every time this question is answered.