Importing review feedback using web scraping

Importing review feedback using web scraping

Centralise your reviews from different websites on Feedier.

Connect to Review platforms on Feedier

Source → Online Reviews → Create a new import → Web scraping


Connect the elements

If Trustpilot:

Web Scrapping URL: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/xxxx?sort=recency
Feedback item (CSS selector): div[class*='styles_reviewCard']
Feedback date (CSS selector): time#title
Pagination link (CSS selector): a[class*='pagination-link_next__']

If All agents:
Web scrapping URL -> https://www.allagents.co.uk/view-branch/xxx/yyy/reviews/
Feedback item (CSS selector): .agentReviewsWrapper
Feedback date (CSS selector): .agentReviewsWrapper .review_date meta#content
Feedback extend link (CSS selector): .reviewContent a
Pagination link (CSS selector): .agentReviewsPagination .pagination li:last-child:not(.disabled) a

Map the elements

Connect your questions and attributes here

Now we need to match the data source with how Feedier will read the information.

If Trustpilot:

Data source → Feedier data receiverdiv[class*='styles_reviewHeader']#data-service-review-rating -> Review Score
div[class*='styles_reviewContent'] p -> Review comment
a[class*='styles_consumerDetails'] > span -> attribute name
div[class*='styles_reviewContent'] h2 -> Review title

If AllAgents:
Data source → Feedier data receiver
.agentReviewsWrapper .reviewStarsMobile .reviewTitleText span span ->Review Score
.agentReviewsWrapper .reviewContent span -> Review comment
.agentReviewsWrapper .review_author span strong span -> Attribute Name
@xyz-> Attribute location


Web scraping is done on a daily basis so you can keep up to date with recent reviews as they come in.