A guide to the report
The report in Feedier is a powerful tool that allows you to present your feedback data in a concise and professional manner, making it easy to share with both internal and external stakeholders. This guide provides a step-by-step overview of how to create, customize, share, and manage reports in Feedier.
Accessing the report
Reports → Create a report → Pre-filled or Blank
Report Creation
To create a report you have three options:
Create a pre-filled report (which you can personalise)
Start with a blank report to add only the data you need
Create from a master report - one that’s already been generated as template to use.
You can sort reports by Name and Created time within the table, as well as move duplicate and delete.
Global Filter
The Global filter works like the filter found on the platform, meaning you can filter all charts within the report using this function.
Creating charts
There are a number of different chart types available within the report. Those that are listed as Components and include KPI, Question answers, Attribute answers, Scores Table, Text Analysis, Benchmarking, Correlation and notes.
Creating a KPI chart
Adding a KPI directly into your report allows you to track how your key questions or attributes are performing in one place.
Choose the KPI you would like to track:
a. NPSb. Satisfaction Ratio
c. Number of Feedback
d. Attribute Values Quantity
e. CESThen apply any optional filters to your KPI should you wish to
Select the optional timeline dropdown for a relevant view of your data → It’s not necessary unless you want the ‘View as Chart’ option
If you want to see progression over time you can select ‘View as chart’
Add an optional Comparison filter to help you better understand your KPI’s
Add a title
Creating a Question chart
Once you choose the ‘breakdown by questions’ option you will have 4 easy steps to create a question answer graph.
Choose your chart type between:
Bar Chart
Pie Chart
Choose the question type between:
Ratings Table
Choose the questions you want to see regarding the question type
Select if you want to see feedback count, feedback % or both as labels.
Creating an Attribute chart
Once you choose the breakdown by attributes you will have 4 easy steps to create a customised question answer graph.
Choose your chart type between:
Bar Chart
Pie Chart
Select an attribute
Choose the values you want to see regarding the attribute chosen
Select if you want to see feedback count, feedback % or both.
Creating a scores table
The scores table gives you a way of ranking attributes based on the top and worst NPS scores.
It also gives you additional information alongside such as satisfaction, feedback volume, CES and rating scores.
The first step will be to choose the attribute you want to display
Then you will be able to choose the sorting style
Select the minimum feedback number input to hide not relevant attributes in terms of feedback amount.
Choose the KPI’s you want to display
Add a title
Creating a text analysis chart
a) Type of graph selected → Text Answers
Add the questions you want text to be displayed
Group by question option → in case you want to analyse each question and not each text answer
Choose how you sort the responses
Add a title
b) Type of graph selected → Topic
For the Topic chart, just select the topics you want to see and edit the title to your needs.
Creating a benchmarking chart
a) Choosing a 1v1 Comparison benchmark
Choose your KPI:
Satisfaction Ratio
Choose the chart type
1 vs 1 comparison
Choose the dataset’s you want to compare (add your filters)
Select the questions that are relevant for the chart if necessary
Add a title
b) Choosing a Stacked Comparison benchmark
Choose your KPI:
a. NPS
b. Ratings
c. Satisfaction Ratio
d. Choices
e. CES
Choose the chart type
Stacked Comparison
Choose to breakdown by
a. Attribute
b. Segment
c. Team
d. Survey
Add the questions that are relevant for the graph if necessary
Edit the title
Creating a correlation matrix
Choose the layout type:
Volume %
Choose the breakdown between:
Choose the attribute you want to display in the X-axis
Choose the attribute values you want to display for the X-axis
Do the same steps but for the Y-axis
Add a title
Report Organisation
Add filters to individual charts
Next to the configuration tab of all charts, there is the filter option which gives you the ability to customise the graph to dependent
Adding notes
To create notes as full slides or half slides, simply add the component and input the text according to your requirements.
Add Annotations to each chart
You can add annotations to each chart by toggling on and hitting save.
Move the chart order
You can click and drag any slide on the left panel, or you can select Page in the top ribbon.
Tips to enhance your report
Adding comments to individual graphs to describe the data.
Deleting graphs that you don't need. Deleted graphs won't appear in the shared or downloaded report.
Rearranging the order of the graphs in the report.
Share Your report
Sharing your report is a great way to keep track of live data and share it with external stakeholders.
You can share your report as a public link (no Feedier login required).
Dashboard Views
Creating Master reports
If you have a report that you want other users to use as a template, you can set it as a master report in the report page.