Embed the first survey rating question into an email

Embed the first survey rating question into an email

Get a better response rate by adding the first question of your survey to the email body.

Design how the question will appear

Screenshot and slice

Actions → Screenshot Tool → Capture & Slice

To start off, you'll need to capture an image of the question you wish to embed. This can be any image, as long as it can be converted to Feedier’s question ratings 1-4, 1-5, 1-10.

Use the screenshot tool to capture the question. Then slice the image into blocks, this is what the respondent will be clicking when it’s inside your email.


Here’s an image of coloured blocks being cut into 5 different images.


Assign Direct Feedback Links to Each Image Block

Survey→ Rating Question → Info → Copy the Question ID

  1. Assign the base survey link to each of the different sliced images.

  2. Modify the link to include the question ID and the associated response value. For example, a question rating response with a rating of 1 would have the link: https://feedback.feedier.com/examplesurvey?question_id=12345&value=1

Adding the Question ID and the value for each of the sliced images means, on click, their value selection will be stored.

Embed the image to the email

As you compose your email:

  1. Embed each image blocks with each new url link within the email body

  1. Test to ensure each image block redirects to the correct feedback link.

Send the Email

Once everything is set:

  1. Review the email.

  2. Send it out to your recipients.