Scores table & Text analysis chart

Scores table & Text analysis chart

Creating a scores table

The scores table gives you a way of ranking attributes based on the top and worst NPS scores.
It also gives you additional information alongside such as satisfaction, feedback volume, CES and rating scores.


The first step will be to choose the attribute you want to display

  1. Then you will be able to choose the sorting style

  2. Select the minimum feedback number input to hide not relevant attributes in terms of feedback amount.

  3. Choose the KPI’s you want to display

  4. Add a title

Creating a text analysis chart

a) Type of graph selected → Text Answers

  1. Add the questions you want text to be displayed

  2. Group by question option → in case you want to analyse each question and not each text answer

  3. Choose how you sort the responses

  4. Add a title

b) Type of graph selected → Topic

For the Topic chart, just select the topics you want to see and edit the title to your needs.