Blog from May, 2021

This week we focused on improving your workflow and helping you take quicker steps to finding the insights on the dashboard and also improving our reporting capabilities.

Bulk Select Feedbacks and Bulk edit them: As the use of Feedback status and Feedback Owner becomes more important on the platform it is vital to be able to do this in bulk. That is why this week we have worked on a multi select option on the Feedback page that allows you to multi select a number of Feedback and edit them as a bulk.

You can do this by clicking the select button from the buttons panel above

Once you have selected the Feedbacks you want to edit you can click the Bulk Change button that appears and choose from one of the 3 available options:

Edit Status - This is to change the status from To be contacted, in progress, contacted or resolved.

Edit Owner - This is to assigned all the feedback to a user in your team so they become the Owner of those feedback

Delete Feedbacks - This is to mass delete all the selected feedback. Please note this is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Also when assigned Feedback to a user that isn’t part of your cluster or doesn’t have the right permissions. You will see a alert informing you about which feedbacks cannot be assigned:

Smart Dropdown that display the number of feedbacks with that specific attribute: When using the attribute dropdown on the Activity chart or on the Correlation Report you will now see a number next to each attribute so you can make sure there is data available for you to create your reports:

When no data is available for that attribute it will show a 0 value next to the attribute. This will allow you to find the right attributes that have data and quickly build your reports without having to check each attribute individually.

Correlation Switch Value type: The correlation report allows you to build reports by cross referencing two different attributes which then shows you the Satisfaction Ratio for each value inside a box with colour based on Satisfaction Ratio as well so you can quickly see where the CX issues are quickly. Now we have added the ability to switch the main metric inside the box to the total number of Feedback as shown below:

You can always switch back and forth using the switch next to the report name here

Correlation Report is also now available in the PDF Report & Download: This way you can easily share this report using the live link or even download it as a PDF. Please note when generating the PDF report it will visualise whichever option and attribute you have showing when you click the create report button.

Email addresses shown in the Actions Download Report: When you download an excel report on the Actions Page, it shows you all the different actions activated for the different user stories. Now it will also show the individual email IDs as well making it easier to track which user has been assigned to which Action alert.


-Team Feedier

Few new tweaks to the dashboard this week:


Add Custom Report Names: When you add a custom name for the Live PDF report this will now be shown in the report main screen but also reflected in the file name when you download any Live PDF report making it easier for you to manage your different report files

Re-opened Status: As you change your feedback status back and forth there might be times where you need to know which was feedback was re-opened. This could be when an old customer comes back with the same complaint or a feedback that was thought to be resolved wasn't and now needs to be re-looked at. This is where you would use the ‘Re-opened’ state.

Re-opened = Is an extra piece of information about the feedback which have been resolved and then changed back to one of the other earlier statuses.

Also this will be available in the Search FQL button so you can filter your feedback using this new state.

Also inside the download report the resolution time will be shown for both the #1 Resolution and the #2 Resolution so you get a clear picture of the status history.

Editing attributes once the Feedback has been collected: If you have ever wanted to edit/update a context attribute after it has been collected well now you can. The option appears when you hover over any attribute and you will see a little edit icon appear next to the attribute. Simply edit and save to update the value in the dashboard.


  • Team Feedier

Lots of new improvements this week. So let’s start with the main ones:

Teams Communications on Individual Feedback just became a lot smarter:

There was always the ability to comments on individual feedback but it was limited. Now we have added 3 new changes to this space to make it easier for team to communicate with each other regarding individual feedbacks.

1.Add longer comments or copy in emails from other communications platform. Don’t worry it will compress to make sure it doesn't take up too much space.

2. Also you can now upload files in the comments section for any important documents related to the feedback.

3. There is a seperate tab that shows you all the status history and changes made for that feedback.

The main goal with each of these improvements is to make is easier for Teams to manage the feedback history in one place.

Text Analysis is now available in the Custom Reports and can be downloaded:

Custom Date Options in the Activity Chart for more flexibility:

This will allow you to customize the date range for specific time periods from 12months to 7 days.

Feedback Download & Individual Reports now includes Resolution Time: