Blog from April, 2024

We are excited to introduce our new Copilot 2.0 in this release!🎉 🎉

Copilot 2.0

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 13.11.16.png

We are excited to announce an upcoming enhancement to our platform, focused on further enhancing the capabilities of our Copilot feature. In this update, we will be integrating Copilot with filters functionality and introducing a history of assignments feature.

The assignment feature will provide you the ability of re triggering the same assignment each time you want and have the ability to see the history of the results from that assignment you saved.

An “Assignment” is the → Task + Search input + Filter you are assigning to the Copilot.

Example: If you select Main improvements in the task dropdown + type “Madrid” in the search input + select Time period = 30 days in the filter and generate a result.
The main improvements of Madrid in the last 30 days is your assignment.

How does Copilot work with filters?

  1. Select the task you want → Main Improvements

  2. Type the search input to narrow your search → Nice

  3. Choose the filters you want to apply to the assignment

  4. Generate the Copilot result

How to Save an Assignment?


How do I regenerate the assignment to have an updated result and how do I navigate between the history results of an assignment?



Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 13.26.36.png


Topics Chart

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Feedier Report by adding a new component → Topics Chart.

Now you will be able to analyse Topics in a deeper way and compare the most important metrics between them. We’ve added pagination to this component so you will be able to see up to 50 values.

Note that only the values in the first page will be displayed in the PDF download.

How it works:

Once you’ve chosen the Topic in the Text Analysis Component the steps are really easy:

  1. Sort by → you will be able to choose the sorting of the chart

    1. Volume → Amount of responses

    2. Sentiment Score → Avg sentiment score of the Topic

  2. Limit input → Select the amount of topics you want to display in the chart

  3. Top → Choose if you want to see the best or worst topics related to the sorting

  4. Change your title to your needs.

In the case you have selected more than 10 topics the pagination will be displayed.

Text Answer Component

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Text Answer Table, aimed at improving the amount of Text Answers displayed. We’ve added pagination s so now you will be able to see up to 50 values.

Note that only the values in the first page will be displayed in the PDF download.

How it works:

Once you’ve chosen Text Answers in the Text Analysis Component the steps are really easy:



  1. Questions → Select the questions you want to see Text answers responses

  2. Group by question checkbox

  3. Limit input → Select the amount of topics you want to display in the chart (max 50)

  4. Top → Choose if you want to see the best or worst Text Answers in terms of sentiment score

  5. Change your title to your needs.

In the case you have selected more than 10 Text Answers the pagination will be displayed.

Legacy Report

We wanted to announce some significant changes to our Legacy Report → We encourage you to use Feedier Reports.

Firstly, now filters on Legacy Reports will not be able to be changed, this means they are locked in the reports:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 13.47.25.png

Also, Legacy Report creation will not be more available in Reports Page, you will be only able to create Feedier Reports here:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 13.49.35.png

Note that Legacy Reports will still be available in Activity Page and Feedbacks Page.


-Team Feedier

We are excited to introduce our new Feedback Module in this release!🎉 🎉

Feedback Module


We are excited to announce an upcoming enhancement to our platform: a new Feedback Module designed to improve your experience with enhanced design and performance.

How does it work


We designed a new flow for exploring feedback, featuring a left side panel with clickable cards and a right side panel displaying the selected feedback.

  1. Global filters to filter the feedbacks you want to display

  2. The name of the survey of that feedback

  3. The information related to that feedback

    1. Satisfaction Ratio

    2. Created at date

    3. Time spent on the feedback side

    4. Number of questions

  4. Owner of the feedback

  5. Status of the feedback

  6. Number of feedbacks displayed (considering the filters applied)

  7. Pagination to see more feedbacks

  8. Bulk select to edit or delete feedbacks in mass

  9. Download feedback feature

  10. Create report based on the feedbacks displayed

View of the Feedback card

  1. Feedback id

  2. 3 dots

    1. Delete and share features

      Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 11.21.36.png

  3. Attributes tagging

  4. Amount of questions in the feedback

  5. Question answers

  6. Comment section

Download Feature


The download Excel feature will receive several updates, the most significant being the ability to select only five surveys per download.

How it works:

  1. Once you click on the download button the modal in the image above will be displayed

  2. In this modal you will see all the surveys related to the feedbacks displayed and the amount of feedback related to the survey

  3. You select up to 5 surveys to download

  4. Select the download button

  5. You will receive the file in your email

The file will also be updated so that each survey appears in a separate tab within the sheet.

For example, if you download four surveys, you will see four distinct tabs. This feature enhances your experience by reducing the number of columns in each tab and improving readability.


-Team Feedier

We are excited to introduce new improvements in Feedier Report and Segments page in this release!🎉 🎉

Add up to 50 values in Benchmark Stacked Comparison and Score Table

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Benchmarking Graph and Score Table, aimed at improving the attribute value comparison. We’ve added pagination in both components so now you will be able to see and compare up to 50 values.

Note that only the values in the first page will be displayed in the PDF download.

Benchmarking Stacked Comparison

How it works:

Once you’ve chosen the KPI and the Stacked comparison graph the steps are really easy:

  1. You will select the breakdown by: Attribute

  2. Select the attribute you want to benchmark

  3. Select the attribute values you want to display

  4. Choose the questions you want to analyse if necessary

  5. Choose the title

In the case you have selected more than 6 attribute values the pagination will be displayed.


Score Table

In this component we did two improvements, adding the ability of having more than 10 values displayed and also sorting by other KPI. Now you will be able to choose the order of values depending CES, Ratings, Satisfaction Ratio and Number of Feedbacks. Before, only NPS was available.

How it works:

If an Attribute has more than 10 values with the Configuration you have chosen pagination will be displayed.

  1. Select the attribute

  2. The top → Best or Worst to choose the order of values

  3. Sort by → choose what KPI is the one who will lead the order of the values

  4. Minimum feedback number → To remove values that are not relevant in terms of values

  5. Choose the columns of the information you want to see

  6. Change the title if you will.

A limit input to decide the amount of values you want to display will come next month.

Report Customisation

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Feedier Report in terms of design and customisation. A new design tab with different colour palettes is added.

Now you will be able to choose the colours of your most used graphs to align them to your needs.

Charts as NPS, CES and Satisfaction Ratio are not customisable in Question & Attributes and Benchmarking Graphs.

How it works:

  1. New Design tab is displayed in the Right hand side of the Report

  2. Once you select it you will be able to choose between different colour palettes

  3. The changes of colours in graphs.

New Segments Card Design

We are glad to announce the new design of Segment cards. Featuring a refined and contemporary user interface.


-Team Feedier