Text Analysis guide
Text analysis is the ability to leverage AI to analyze automatically all text/unstructured data in your Feedier account.
The module offer different features out of the box, such as:
Automatically generating summaries
Automatically detecting new topics
Tracking and analyzing topics (with sentiment analysis and link to attributes)
Follow topic trends
Leverage Feedier’s filtering technology as in the Dashboards, Reports, Segments, etc.
How to set up Text Analysis?
Text analysis must be enabled from an administrator user in the “Roles & Capabilities“ page.
Data is analyzed by the Text Analysis module
The module is automatically using all text/unstructured data present in the teams the user has access too. So, as long as the account has open text questions, Text analysis will bring value and show automatically new topics and measure sentiment.
Topics in Feedier
A topic in the Feedier Platform is a way to group different answers/text based on a common meaning.
Topics in the Feedier Platform can be:
Automatically suggested by Eureka AI or created manually from a Feedier user
Tracked over time
Organized in sub topics
Explored through its answers, linked topics and linked attributes
It’s important to note that:
Topics can be given specific instructions based on your needs in the Edit section
Topics are by default automatically attached by Feedier, but they can be detached or attached manually by a User.
Sentiment analysis in Feedier
After evaluating the topics, Feedier will automatically assign a sentiment score from 1 to 100% based on the overall sentiment of the text.
For the sake of the simplicity, the score is displayed with a label:
Positive From 71% to 100%
NEUTRAL From 31% to 70%
Negative From 1 to 30%
From Text Analysis to actionable Insights
From global to specific
The main important feature of the Text Analysis module is the ability to filter in real-time all the insights based on your specific context (time frame, attributes, source, team, etc.).
Generated topics and summaries will be more valuable when narrowing down the scope with the Feedier filter technology.
Detecting pain points
Two elements are extremely important when it comes to pain points in Text Analysis:
The painpoint itself
Its impact on the business
Feedier helps you do to both in one place.
Identifying pain points
There are two different methods:
Use global topic names (such as product, quality, service, sales, etc.) and add a sentiment score filter (positive or negative) to only match outliers in the Text analysis module.
Use specific topic names (such as product bugs, product ideas, service issues, sales bottlenecks) to only match outliers.
In both cases, Feedier will be able to identify clearly the pain points for you.
The impact of every single topic can be found on the left panel with its volume over time:
Indentifying root cause
For every topic, Feedier provides a comprehensive view with information such as:
Related attributes
Related topics
When it comes to root cause, the attributes related to the topics are the most actionable insights. It means that for every topic (based on the filters set), you can easily identifty common similarities.
Creating Action Plans
Action plans with key improvement and pain points can be generated for every single topic by Feedier.
Leveraging Feedier reports
Insights coming from topics and text answers can be integrated with the Feedier Report module.
It’s possible to easily display:
Top X topics or answers based on sentiment
Top X topics or answers based on volume
Last but not least, every widget in the report can be filtered based on time, source, attribute or any other filter.